カスタードクリームの作り方 ( How to make custard cream. ) <視聴時間 6:37>

カスタードクリームの作り方 ( How to make custard cream. )

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[ カスタードクリームの材料・レシピ(シュークリーム10~15個分) ]
Custard cream recipe
・牛乳…225cc ( 225cc milk )
・砂糖…60g ( 60g sugar )
・卵黄…3個分 ( 3 egg yolk )
・薄力粉…15g ( 15g cake flour )
・バター…12.5g ( 12.5g butter )
・コーンスターチ…7.5g ( 7.5g cornstarch )
・バニラビーンズ…2本 ( Vanilla beans )

[ 下準備 1 ( Preparation 1 ) ] 0:10
Put the milk and vanilla beans in a pot.
[ 下準備 2 ( Preparation 2 ) ] 0:16
Put the egg yolk in a bowl.
[ 説明 1 ( Caption 1 ) ] 0:39
Stir the egg yolk with a whisk.
[ 説明 2 ( Caption 2 ) ] 0:47
Add the sugar.
[ 説明 3 ( Caption 3 ) ] 0:58
Add a little milk, and mix with a whisk.
[ 説明 4 ( Caption 4 ) 1:31
Mixed them, add the cake flour and cornstarch.
[ 説明 5 ( Caption 5 ) ] 2:04
Mixed them, heat the pot containing the milk and vanilla beans.
[ 説明 6 ( Caption 6 ) ] 2:09
Heat the milk until fine bubbles come out from the milk.
[ 説明 7 ( Caption 7 ) ] 2:15
Add the heated milk into the bowl, and mix them quickly.
[ 説明 8 ( Caption 8 ) ] 2:38
Mixed them, put into the pot through a strainer.
[ 説明 9 ( Caption 9 ) ] 3:22
Heat the pot while stirring with a rubber spatula.
[ 説明 10 ( Caption 10 ) ] 4:28
Cream comes hardened little by little.
[ 説明 11 ( Caption 11 ) ] 5:05
From getting such a state, continue stirring more 3 minutes while heating.
[ 説明 12 ( Caption 12 ) ] 5:24
From getting such a state, stop heating and add the butter and stir the cream.
[ 説明 13 ( Caption 13 ) ] 5:58
The butter has melted, and the cream becomes uniform,
It is the completion of the custard cream.
[ 説明 14 ( Caption 14 ) ] 6:12
Put the custard cream on the vat, and wrap it.
[ 説明 15 ( Caption 15 ) ] 6:19
Cool the crude heat using refrigerant or ice water.
Gross heat After it cools, chill in the refrigerator.


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