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- プロが教えるカスタードクリームのつくり方(チョコレート) <視聴時間 2:37>
プロが教えるカスタードクリームのつくり方(チョコレート) <視聴時間 2:37>
タルト、シュークリーム、ロールケーキetc…お菓子づくりで欠かすことのできない基本のクリームなので、ぜひマスターしてくださいね♪ 炊き上がりのタイミングも確認できる、動画ならではのポイントもご確認いただけますよ!thanks to visiting our youtube page! the latest creation is up right now and don’t forget to give it a thumbs up if you enjoy it!!
Chocolate custard cream (video recipe)290g milk
1/4 vanilla beans72g granulated sugar
45g egg yolk
22g cornstarch45g dark chocolate (cocoa content of 60%)
* Cornstarch advance sieved
* Chocolate to keep dissolved through hot water (approximately 40 degrees)1) vanilla bean that taking the milk and sheath, and warm until just before boiling by adding a pinch of granulated sugar
2) adjust shaved egg yolks and granulated sugar. That of granulated sugar mesh to push dissolved in ground-egg yolk until no.
3) Fit by adding sieved cornstarch.
4) mix the milk and egg yolk. And combined with the rest of the milk was allowed first to blend with the addition of 1/3 volume of milk.
5) was transferred while straining to pot, raise cook using a whipper. Cook up see the video.
6) add 1/3 volume and mix that custard cream to chocolate, which had been dissolved. Once it is to emulsify properly enter the two-thirds the amount of cream to separate. The mix was added to the rest of the cream
7) poured into a clean bowl or bat, cool with ice. Cream is preferable to a wrap is dropped or stir occasionally so dry from the surface.
Custard cream
250g milk
50g granulated sugar
1/4 this vanilla beans
60g egg yolk
20g flour
20g cornstarch* Process is the same as the chocolate type. Cream can be used to cool immediately in ice when the cream cooked rapidly
! Save it to use up during the next day from the rise and cook in refrigerated! it does not able to be Frozen